Palomar Mountain State Park

A wonderful place to visit in our fast times.

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Friends of Palomar Mountain State Park





Visiting Palomar Mountain State Park can be inspirational, and if you've been moved to express your visit artistically, please share your work with us. We'd love to display your painting, drawing, photograph, collage* or sculpture*... maybe you've made a video or animated gif, or composed and recorded a song. Whatever you've created, send it to us and we'll post it on our website! You can send us a photo or scanned image, but if you don't have a scanner we'll be glad to scan it and get it back to you. Your work will appear on our Photo & Art Gallery.  Just contact us: Email**


* Please don't use any materials from the Park. All materials are protected, and disturbing or collecting them is not allowed... even leaves, berries, flowers, pine cones, rocks and bird feathers.

**To minimize spam, all email addresses on this website are cloaked. If you are using Microsoft Outlook, simply click the e-mail link. If you are using a web based email service, right click the link and copy and paste the email address.